Imperial Research

Welcome to the Imperial Research Circle home page

The IRC is a group of collectors and military history enthusiasts who have joined together to create a website where we can share our research with like-minded enthusiasts. The site will combine militaria with military history, two fields that should always go hand in hand, but often do not.

There will be two principle sections, one on the Iron Cross and the other dealing with more diverse topics.

Imperial Research

The bulk of the site will concentrate on the Imperial German Army but, due to our diverse interests there will also be an eclectic array of hopefully interesting articles including, but not limited to the campaign in German South West Africa, certain aspects of the Boer war and awards of Germany's allies in WW1. The scope of the articles will be as broad as the interests of our members. We welcome anyone who has an interest in participating and who would like to contribute any articles.

Imperial Iron Cross

This ambitious section will be an extension of the book on the Imperial Iron Cross that the IRC is writing in partnership with Gordon Williamson. This project will cover the Imperial Iron Cross in more detail than has previously been possible.


The information presented here is intended for historical and research purposes only. The authors have no intention to glorify war, nor do they promote or support any extreme political, neo-nazi or revisionist beliefs or ideology whatsoever. If this information helps to promote awareness of the human side of war, then so much the better.

Disclaimer pursuant to German § 86a StGB

Die hier gezeigten Informationen zu zeitgeschichtlichen und militärischen Gegenständen dienen nur zu Zwecken der Staatsbürgerlichen Aufklärung, der Abwehr verfassungsfeindlicher Bestrebungen, der wissenschaftlichen und kunsthistorischen Forschung, der Aufklärung oder der Berichterstattung über die Vorgänge des Zeitgeschehens oder der militärhistorischen und uniformkundlichen Forschung (§ 86a StGB). Zweck der Bereitstellung dieser Informationen ist ein Nachschlagewerk für militärhistorisch Interessierte.